Makinda Vickers, A Successful Book Author, Actress, Drummer, and Radio Host

Thank you for stopping by AO Network. Please tell our readers who you are and what you are currently doing in the entertainment space?

Makinda Vickers: Hello, my name is Makinda Vickers born in Flint, Michigan and moved to Detroit, Michigan in 2005 to attend performing arts school. In 2010, I relocated to Dallas, Texas where my journey all began. I am an entrepreneur of two companies called DrumsticksNlipstick Organization and DrumsticksNlipstick Beatz. I am a Radio Host at GFN Radio Soul based in New York City and located in Dallas Texas. I am an actress and star as an extra in a few movies on streaming platforms. I was honored and granted a movie agent for representation by the name of MJB talent agency located in Los Angeles and New York City as well. I am an upcoming Author with a book Title ‘The Beat of DrumsticksNlipstick,’ an audio biography, published by Author House. I am a writer and producer of my tv reality show series called ‘Lyfe Verse Drummin’ coming soon. My skills are playing the lead Guitar, bass guitar, drums, and piano.

We hear you are currently on tour or going on tour soon. Please tell us more about this tour and how people can come out and support?

Makinda Vickers: Yes, thanks for asking. I am going on a book tour, but dates have not been released yet. Once I receive release dates, I will promote on my show, Makinda V on GFN Radio Soul. As many people as possible are welcome to come out to support.

So, Tell us a little more about your upcoming book. When is the expected release?

Makinda Vickers: As an author, I have written a captivating book titled “The Beat of DrumsticksNlipstick,” published by Author House. In this memoir, I share my life story, delving into the pain, obstacles, and ultimately, the healing power of music. I discuss the traumas of my childhood, my journey to Dallas, and the challenges and successes I encountered along the way. My book will be available in major bookstores like Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Release Dates coming soon.

Are you currently filming? What was your latest film project about and how did it turn out for you?

Makinda Vickers: Yes, I have recently been offered a movie deal based in Los Angeles California. I am very excited to be graced for this wonderful opportunity. I have a great role in this project and can’t wait to be on set. The latest film I was actually a lead for a drama role we were on set for a few months can’t wait for you all to see. I am super thankful for that tremendous experience and the cast; the whole production team was bomb. I am also excited about my Reality TV Series Lyfe Verse Drummin. It took me almost 3 months to create my project. We will be shooting the trailer in Los Angeles in the middle of January 2024, looking forward to casting the best talent worldwide.

What do you like most about being in the entertainment industry? How did you first get involved in it?

Makinda Vickers: I love being in the entertainment industry. As a little girl at the age of seven, I would spend many hours in the restroom mirror pretending I was a star. Laughing out loud, I would pretend it was millions of people screaming my name as I hold on to my trophies and rewards. As a child playing drums in my father’s church at the age of seven, I could feel I was something special. I would go from playing the drums to both guitars bass and lead almost every church service, Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. At the time, our church was in the basement of our home, so many days and nights I would go practice for hours. I started writing poems and rap lyrics at the age of eight. I just knew one day all my dreams would come true despite my loss, struggles, and obstacles. When I relocated to Dallas Tx, that’s when my whole world changed. My previous manager, Jeff Fansler, I met at a residence I resided at the time, took me all over Dallas, introducing me to the music industry. Original Lakeside, Erykah Badu, RC & The Gritz, Yarbrough and Peoples, and many more in the Dallas area. I performed on drums with Grammy-award winning Maurice Mobetta Brown, Yarbrough and Peoples, Bernard Wright, and many R&B and hip-hop artists. Gospel artist Prophet Juanita Bynum, Myron Williams, and many more.

How do you stay afloat and manage your career? I’m sure you have a massive team to help you manage all of your projects.

Makinda Vickers: Oh boy, laughing out loud, that’s a great question. I have had several managers, however, it didn’t work out. I am currently looking for a consistent manager. However, I do have a personal assistant and a small team that assists me at times. I am definitely looking for a manager. My agent protects me in the filming industry as an actress, which I am honored. Without an agency, you can’t move like you want to. I really appreciate my agent MJB Talent.

How do you stay motivated in completing all your projects and staying consistent with your schedule?

Makinda Vickers: I love what I do, and that is what keeps me motivated. I have worked so hard to get where I am now, and this is just the beginning for me. My goal is to be on big-time streaming platforms such as Lifetime, BET, BET+, and so on. I believe all my gifts I was blessed with share my story as a trauma child looking for love. I want to be able to help someone else who has experienced the same hurt and be able to come out of it and be successful as well. I am a single mother; my daughter Destiny is now nineteen and attends Dallas Northlake College. She is my strength. I have to be a role model to her as well as my nieces. My personal assistant is a big help to me as she keeps me consistent and steady.

What are some things you look forward to in 2024?

Makinda Vickers: In 2024, I look forward to:

  • Launching my TV series: Successfully producing and releasing multiple episodes of my TV series, “Lyfe Verse Drummin,” on major streaming television platforms, bringing my creative vision to life and captivating audiences.
  • Publishing my second book: Completing writing my book and securing a publishing deal, allowing me to share a unique perspective and insights with readers.
  • Hosting a successful radio show: Establishing myself as a prominent radio host, delivering engaging content and interviews that resonate with my audience and attract a growing listenership.
  • Entrepreneurial success: Launching and growing my business ventures, leveraging my entrepreneurial spirit to create innovative products or services that make a positive impact in the market.
  • Acting achievements: Pursuing acting opportunities in both film and theater, landing significant roles that challenge my abilities and showcase my talent to a wider audience.
  • Personal brand development: Building a strong personal brand across various platforms, including social media, to expand my reach and connect with a dedicated community of supporters and fans.
  • Speaking engagements: Securing speaking engagements at conferences, seminars, and events, where I can share my expertise and inspire others with my journey as an entrepreneur, author, and multi-talented individual.

How can your supporters follow you and support all that you do?

You can follow me on my social media platforms:

AO Network: We’d like to thank Makinda Vickers for sharing her incredible journey and her exciting projects with us. Her dedication and passion for the entertainment industry are truly inspiring. We look forward to witnessing her continued success in the years to come. Please follow her on her social media and stay tuned for her upcoming book and TV series. Thank you for joining us at AO Network.


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